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Designed to Address the Social Determinants of Health of Communities

Partners on multiple devices
Directorio de Proveedores

Community Provider Directory

Find the Providers that Serve the Needs of Your Population

At Sociants you will find over 1,200 community providers, nonprofit organizations, social programs, government agencies, and many others who serve the community and individuals in need. Our data has been credentialed and is validated frequently.

Supplier Directory Screenshot
Case Management Portal Screenshot

Case Management Portal

Keep Your Cases Digitized and Protected in the Cloud

Our tool allows you to create and manage new cases digitally, following all privacy, and security protocols. It captures socio-demographic data, allows you to take notes, surveys and digital consents, upload documents, and identify the social determinants that need to be addressed. Maintains a history of activities for each case.

Manejador de Casos
Redes de colaboración

Collaboration Networks

Collaborate with the Third Sector

Create community networks and invite community providers to join your social impact efforts. Monitor your networks' activities, share evaluations, and measure results across stakeholders. Networks can be public or private, allowing other providers in the community to request inclusion.

Identificador de Necesiades

Needs Identifier

Identify the Needs of Each Case According to the 13 Social Determinants of Health

Use the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) as a guide to identify the needs of your population and allocate resources to address them.

Needs Identifier Screenshot
Referidos Electrónicos
Referral Module Portal Screenshot

Electronic Referrals

Refer Cases or Manage the Operations of Your Organization with our Referral Module

Reduces the time in receiving and sending referrals between departments and community providers. Through the Sociants platform you can manage referrals in an agile, precise, and secure way.

Asignación de Roles

Role Assignment

Designate Access Levels

Consider Sociants as a collaborative space that allows you to manage entire operations. Each user has a designated role that provides the level of access necessary for their area of ​​responsibility within the organization.

Evaluaciones y Encuestas

Evaluations and Surveys

Capture Real-Time Data with Surveys and Assessments

Reduce paper usage and time manually tabulating data. With Sociants you can design and manage dynamic surveys and assessments that support your organization's goals. 

Survey Screenshots
Reportes Dinámicos
Report Screenshot

Dynamic Reports

Generate Analysis and Reports Tailored to the Needs of your Organization

Develop reports that include: metrics for referrals made, types of services provided, needs identified, activities recorded by user, behavioral patterns and risk analysis, and more.

Configuración de Cuenta

Account Configuration

Sociants Tailored to Your Needs

Each organization is different. That is why at Sociants you will have the benefit of configuring the system according to the requirements of your programs. Managing resource inventories, managing surveys, documents and consents, all in a centralized and secure place.


Unlock the Potential of Your Social Care and Assistance Program with Sociants

Assembly of Sociants Platform
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